Oculus Device

Oculus Device

Control Device - Use an Oculus Headset and Controllers

A Control Device Use any external controllers such as MIDI or OSC, DMX, and ArtNet Read More that allows to use a Oculus headset with optional controllers
To connect the Oculus device, you will need to create the Control Device Use any external controllers such as MIDI or OSC, DMX, and ArtNet Read More first.
Once your device is created, you should see messages displaying in the Device panel.
To use it, you can create an Oculus Camera A camera used to display to an Oculus Device Read More in a Compo and select the Oculus device in the Oculus Camera A camera used to display to an Oculus Device Read More 's device selector.
Important to see your content in the headset:
  • if you don't have an Output, you will need to set the viewport in 2D
  • if you are in "On Air" mode, you will need to activate an Output

The content will only be displayed if the forehead sensor detects something. Therefore, if you want to preview the content in the Viewport without wearing the headset, do not forget to cover the sensor (with your thumb or a piece of black tape).

If your device isn't recognized by NVIDIA, you can force the recognition with the EDID available here : OculusRift

It may take some time to recreate the graphics resources when you unplug and replug the headset, so please be patient.

There are 3 distinct controllers:
  • Headset
  • Left Hand
  • Right Hand

The thumbsticks move the Oculus Camera A camera used to display to an Oculus Device Read More around and trigger events. Other events are triggered by the following actions:
  • Button Thumb
  • Button Up
  • Button Down
  • Button Option
  • Trigger Hand
  • Trigger Index


  • Enable Controllers (On/off option) : Choose whether to listen to the hand controller events or not, in order to save performance.

See Also: