Control Device

Control Device

Device - Use any external controllers such as MIDI or OSC, DMX, and ArtNet

A Control Device enables Smode to send or receive controller commands, such as notes (pitch and note velocity), a button triggered on or off, or a fader movement, etc. Through learning, these external events and values can be linked to any element parameters, allowing for document automation.
To configure a Control Device, go to the Preferences Smode Preferences panel Read More panel [F11], in the Engine Preferences General preferences of SMODE's rendering engine. Add your Device here: MIDI controller, OSC, Video and Audio devices etc. Read More tab, select the Control Device section:

Add a new Control Device by clicking the Add button and choose the type of Video Output you want to use in the list. Click Apply changes to access the configuration settings.
You can then check the incoming messages from your device through the Devices Panel Visualize and manage audio/video inputs/outputs, clocks, and controllers connected to Smode Read More :

Please refer to the Catalog section at the bottom of this page to explore all types of possible control devices.

Parameters to all Control Devices

  • Last Received Message (Text) : Last received message of the control device (Read Only)
  • messageHistorySize
  • messageCountAndRate


Keyboard - Use the keyboard as a controller

MIDI - Use a MIDI Device as controller

DMX - Use DMX Device as controller

ArtNet - Use ArtNet Device as controller

sACN - Use sACN Device as a controller

OSC - Use an OSC Device as a controller

Kinesys - Use a Kinesys Device as a controller

Posital - Posital Control Device

Blacktrax Device - Blacktrax Tracking System To visualize tracked points using a tracking device Read More

OptiTrack Device - OptiTrack device to receive data from Motive into a Tracking System To visualize tracked points using a tracking device Read More

Trackmen - Camera tracking device

Mouse - Mouse control device

Oculus Device - Use an Oculus Headset and Controllers

Augmenta Tracking device - Augmenta Tracking device

Stype Tracking system - Use a Stype tracking system

FreeD Tracking system - Use a FreeD camera tracking protocol

Posistage Net-PSN - Use PosistageNet values in Smode

See Also: