Break Points and Time markers

Break Points and Time markers

Put control points all over your Timelines

A Time Marker allows you to create many different action (Cues) to navigate inside the Timeline to encode a show.
To create a timeMarker, just right click on the timeline cursor as showed below (or press the shortcut m ) :

To navigate from a marker to another you can use the Previous and Next buttons inside of the Timeline. Note that each different Marker Actions are symbolized by a little icon next to the marker.

Once a Time Marker is created, select it to access to it's parameters. Every Maker can be Breaking which will stop the cursor when it reaches it:

Action Type

To add different actions to the selected markers, unfold the "Action Type" menu.
that the "Cue" and "Content" actions are accessible only if a Function Cue An animation bloc defined by a Function Read More or a Compo Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode Read More is already created inside of your composition as they will act on theses Elements.


The action Content trigger an action on a specified content such as a Compo Composite 2D Layer, Shape layer and 3D Layer together. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N] to create a new composition after opening Smode Read More :


The action Cue trigger a Function Cue An animation bloc defined by a Function Read More already present inside your scene / compo:


The action Finalize send the cursor directly at the end of the Timeline and Finalize it:

Go To

The action Go To allow to go from this marker to any position of the current Timeline or of another Timeline. This position can be a time or another Marker:
To a specified time:
Or to a specified marker:


The action Loop send the Cursor to the previous Marker:
  • The Termination Behavior will change how the Next button work
    1. In Seek mode pressing Next will go to the marker and loop
    2. In Finish Loop And Continue pressing Next will activate the ignore Next Time and continue playing
  • The Ignore Next Time allow to not loop when the marker is reach (after the marker is passed the toggle is automatically disable


The action Trigger trigger any element in your tree.
It also possible to create complex setups inside of a Timeline:

See Also: