Utility Modifiers

Utility Modifiers

Utility Tools to generate hybrid and complex operations.

Utility modifiers are kind of the swiss knife of Smode.
There is also among them some meta-modifiers ( Overlay Combine the input image with the output of its internal modifiers using any Blending Mode Read More and Compo Based Use a complex setup to create versatile procedural modifiers Read More ), which means modifiers that can be modified. These modifiers can also allow you to generate quite complex setups and "rendering" building blocks.


Modifiers related to the alpha layer:

Mask - TextureMask a part of your image

Discard Alpha - Change the alpha channel to black

Alpha Choker - Crop an image using alpha

Rasterization control:

Freeze - Take a snapshot of the current image

Rasterize - Rasterize the current image

Upscale - Upscale the current image


Overlay - Combine the input image with the output of its internal modifiers using any Blending Mode Define how overlapping pixels are blended together Read More

Compo Based - Use a complex setup to create versatile procedural modifiers

Conversion modifiers:

Depth To Normal - Create a normal map from a greyscale image

Color Space Converter - Convert the Color Space of an image

Delay modifiers:

Frame Delay - Travel an x number of frames into the past

Optical Flow - Use image feedback to convert movement to rgb colors

Item 7:

April Tag detector modifier - Detect all the April Tag Generate an April Tag Read More in frame

April Tag Detection - Give the ID and placement of an April Tag Generate an April Tag Read More


Matte - Remove the green and blue screen

See Also: