A parametric function is controlled through its parameters only. There is no edition by mouse in this one. The most important parameter is the Shape Type. It is the first parameter you'll see.
That is where you'll find all your regular functions (square / sinus / triangle / linear / Sine / noise / white noise / bounce / elastic etc.)
To change the curve selection just click on the part circled in green on the image below
Each shape will have its own parameters. The standard easing shapes (first column - Sine, Quad, Cubic, Quart, Quint, Expo, Circ, Back, Elastic, Bounce) all have an Ease in and Ease out parameter. They define if the movement should be smoothed while coming from the first key, while getting to the next key, or both.
- Min / Max : minimum and maximum of your function, can be expressed in percentage / meters / time depending on where it is.
- Inverse : Invert the function
- Period : "Duration" of the function can be expressed in percentage / meters / time depending on where it is.
- Offset : Move all the function. Animating a function offset with a linear loop is a very useful trick (particularly to animate spritesheets inside of a
Sprite Points
Display point using any kind of 2D Layer as map
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- Phase : Move the middle point of the function.
- Repeat : Obvious
- Wrap mode : Repeat / Mirror repeat / Clamp. Must be put as Clamped in the case of
Depth mask
Select each pixel depending on a associated depth-value
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Note that the noise function possesses a
Thing that can be played out of a Timeline or Function Cue and that doesn't need to be inside an Animation Bank
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and can so be animated.
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Function that maps a number (percentage, time, etc.) to a value
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