Smode Documentation

Smode Documentation

Smode 10 is out!

Touch Designer integration

Import Tox files as Generators or Modifiers with the Tox Component A piece of content exported from TouchDesigner Read More integration!

Companion Streamdeck Module

Change your encoding workflow thanks the Companion/Streamdeck The complete guide to control SMODE through a Streamdeck using Companion Read More integration!

Tempo Tool

Cues and timelines can now be sync to BPM thanks the Tempo tool On the beat! Read More .

Widget Tool

Customize your own control surface with the Widget Tool Customize your own control surface. Read More .

Enhanced fixtures control

Discover the new Fixture Associated fixtures for contents and parameters Read More availabled for GrandMA and GDTF !
Many other changes and improvement are waiting for you.
Read the full changelog of Smode 10.0 What's new in 10.0 ? (30/05/2024) Read More


User Interface - Documentation on Smode's User Interface

Compo - Content Creation and Compositing in Smode

Project - Define a full project with content, 3D stage and video mapping pipeline

Animation - Linear and non-linear animation

Other topics - Other topics: quick start, change log, licensing, launcher, ...

See Also:

Last topic update:28/03/2024