New: XR - Latency Calibration
Automatically evaluate the amount of frame delay between sending a picture to the stage and receiving it back through the camera.
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New: Optic lens calibration and geometry alignment: XR - Geometry Calibration
Lets Smode know the position of cameras and Led Screens in the real world
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New: Color alignment estimation algorithm:XR - Color Calibration
Blend perfectly the walls colors with the virtual surrounding.
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New: Integrated support of camera metadata in content maps, warp to geometry and unproject 3D texture renderers: Warp to GeometryWarp the Content Map onto a Stage Geometry according to a perspective point of view.Read More,Unproject 3DProject the Content Map into a 3D plane according to a perspective point of viewRead More
New: Texture Modifier Stack Channels: Modifier Stack ChannelChannel to pass and apply 2D Modifiers on different pipeline element form the ContentRead More
New: "Link to" in ParametricPlacement defined by Position, Scale, Rotation and Flip parametersRead More for linking one layer to another layer
New: Link To Tracker Link To TrackerPlacement relative to trackerRead More3D placement to use with a Tracking System
New: Auto-illuminate Surface geometry renderer
AutoIlluminate SurfaceDisplay geometry's triangles as a AutoIlluminate surfaceRead More
Chg: separate RGBA components for InvertTurn your image negativeRead More Modifier
Chg: update OpenJPEG from v1.5.1 to v2.0.0
UI & UX:
New: Copy and Paste of keyframes in timeline from one element to multiple target elements
New: Drag and Drop of a parameter from multiple selected elements into a timeline
New: Copy and Paste into multiple elements in the tree
New: Project have now exposed parameters ( in the media folder,Project panel and Full project) the first parameter bank of the content, the stage and each processor are available
Chg: Locked elements cannot be selected in the viewport anymore, both for single and multiple selection
Chg: "Go to" parameter in Timelines centers vertically on it + option to select all keyframes at once in the Timeline -
Chg: expose a parameter from the parameter editor changes the selection in the Element tree but does not lose the focus anymore
Chg: Project Parameters are now accessible via the pipeline panel
New: Warn if Project timebase do not match engine timebase
Fix: Fade in - Fade out: Multiple selection is not affected by shapes modification #4781
Fix: Importing scene panel do not have scroll bar
Chg: to open new tab (like Engine/ memory...) in the file tab it needs "Ctrl+Alt" shortcut
New: Control+Alt+S to enforce autosave when on air
New: Color Calibrator: optimization of image difference
Fix: InvertTake the input value and multiply by -1Read More now does by default x * -1
New: Math InverseUse a Inverse Function 1/xRead More link modifier for 1/x operation
Chg: update AtemSwitcher SDK from v7.2 to v8.5.3
New: Timeline in Animation bank can now be controlled by TC
New: Import/Export camera model calibration into file: Physical CameraA camera that simulate a real-oneRead More
Video Audio:
New: Batch transcode for multiple audio files.
Chg: image sequence import supports same Prores and Hap codecs as transcode
Chg: update Snappy to v1.1.8
New: Support of GPU Selection on Nvidia Quadro.
New: TimeBase presets 23.98Hz & 47.95Hz for Film NTSC.
New: Configuration of CPU core affinity in configuration:Engine Preferences
General preferences of SMODE's rendering engine.
Add your Device here: MIDI controller, OSC, Video and Audio devices etc.
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New: custom NDI group or source ips for better discovery: Engine Preferences
General preferences of SMODE's rendering engine.
Add your Device here: MIDI controller, OSC, Video and Audio devices etc.
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